Are You Ready for adopting Industry 4.0??
- To prepare the matrix for the latest blended learning trends and the emerging skills, redefined by role, industry, and emerging technology.
- To prepare the modern and effective (opensource+digital+hybrid) technical training platforms, methodologies and alternate / innovative ways to skill, re-skill and upskill the engineering students and technical workforce for critical emerging technologies for Industry 4.0 (#ETskills)
- To prepare the NETWORK of Knowledge partners, technical experts, academicians, industry experts and funding partners (Govt. and Corporate CSR Divn.) to get aligned, involved selflessly (brand-neutral) and open-minded to know, learn, understand and apply the right approach for collaborating, combining, connecting and collecting the ingredients for co-creating the Technical Learning and Skill Development Eco-system. (#ETskills)
The Critical Challenge to adapt the new and dynamically changing characteristics of technical education / training and skilling workforce are:
- Life-long Learning: It never stops, you’re always learning / updating yourself
- Self-paced Learning: Always available, Open source, facilitative approach supported by qualified (approved) facilitators mentors, trainers and experts
- Solution – driven Learning: the focus is not mere learning new techniques or adding knowledge but how to apply it for specific task / solve a current or future problem. Should focus on developing local-level solutions for local challenges (Cluster level / MSME level / Micro levels)
Hybrid Learning Methodology: There are many different ways to understand a concept and know/learn a new thing. The hybrid way is to get aware, know the facts and figures, understand the technicalities, talking to experts / influencers/ challengers, application through case-study, field-studies, immersing it in to experience and evolve a solution using experiments, prototype and in numerous way (individualistic / industry specific approach)
A On-the-Job Training (OJT) component wherever possible will add authenticity to whole learning and add to the practical experience
Gopi Krishan Bali, Chief Innovation Officer #ETSkills